Use of BootstrapVue "About Bootstrap Tool Styles ----- Display"

Bootstrap Tool Styles ----- Display

Posted by chyuan on 2022-11-16
Estimated Reading Time 4 Minutes
Words 714 In Total

BootstrapOfficial Production:BootstrapVueCheck it out on the official website

About tool styles,Official Documentation (Fast Gate)

About display, examples of common tool styles(Bootstrap Version>=v4)

  • Regarding display, specify the type of rendered frame of the element,Official Documentation (Fast Gate), common are:
    Specified as an inline element

    <div class="d-inline">d-inline</div>

    Specified as a stream element

    <div class="d-flex">d-flex</div>

    The following definition can be found in _variables.scss, see the previous blog post on how to find this file:

    $displays: none, inline, inline-block, block, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, inline-flex !default;

    Usage: The optional value of value is the category defined in scss above, and the optional value of breakpoint is sm,md,lg,xl, which means that it takes effect only in the case of {breakpoint}

    .d-{value} for xs
    .d-{breakpoint}-{value} for sm, md, lg, and xl.

    Examples are as follows:

    Render effect Style
    Hide .d-none
    Hide only if the screen size meets xs .d-none .d-sm-block`
    Hide only if the screen size meets sm .d-sm-none .d-md-block
    Hide only if the screen size meets xl .d-xl-none
    Visible .d-block
    Visible only if the screen size meets lg .d-none .d-lg-block .d-xl-none
  • Regarding the flex type in display, [Official Documentation (Fast Gate)] (, common ones are:
    Specifies the container as the stream type

    <div class="d-flex">I'm a flexbox container!</div>

    Specifies the container unit as the stream type

    <div class="d-inline-flex">I'm an inline flexbox container!</div>

    Specify the flow direction for the flow type:

    <div class="d-flex flex-row">
    <div>Flex item 1</div>
    <div>Flex item 2</div>
    <div>Flex item 3</div>

    Usage: The optional value of value is row/column, if the direction is reversed, reverse is appended to the end of the style, and the optional value of breakpoint is sm,md,lg,xl, which means that it takes effect only in the case of {breakpoint}

    .flex-{value} for xs
    .flex-{breakpoint}-{value} for sm, md, lg, and xl.

    Examples are as follows:

    Render effect Style
    Horizontal .flex-row
    Reverse the horizontal .flex-row-reverse
    Reverse the vertical direction .flex-column-reverse
    Only vertically if the screen pixel size meets sm .flex-sm-column
    Reverse vertical direction only if the screen pixel size meets sm .flex-sm-column-reverse

    Specify the major axis (x-axis, y-axis direction) alignment for the stream type:
    Center alignment:

    <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">...</div>

    Usage: The optional value of value is start/end/center/between/around, and the optional value of breakpoint is sm,md,lg,xl, which means that it takes effect only when {breakpoint}

    .justify-content-{value} for xs
    .justify-content-{breakpoint}-{value} for sm, md, lg, and xl.
    Render effect style
    Center align .justify-content-center
    Only center align if the screen pixel size meets sm .justify-content-sm-center

    Specify the cross-axis (x-axis, y-axis) alignment for the flow type:

    <div class="d-flex align-items-start">...</div>

    Usage: The optional value of value is start/end/center/baseline/stretch, and the optional value of breakpoint is sm,md,lg,xl, which means that it takes effect only when {breakpoint}

    .align-items-{value} for xs
    .align-items-{breakpoint}-{value} for sm, md, lg, and xl.
    Rendering effect style
    Center align .align-items-center
    Only center align if the screen pixel size meets sm .align-items-sm-center

The commonly used display-related styles are written here for the time being.

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